Title: Pulsate (2002)

Concept of Art;

In <Protrude, Flow>, we pursued to present dynamic movement and shape of magnetic fluid. The art formed organic abstract shapes that move smoothly. In , we put fluid in our familiar space, where you can find things that have ordinary meanings. Here, fluid will became a place where peoples' thoughts mingle together. The stage of is a table. Eating is most essential and necessary activity for human beings. Black fluid in a white dish waves its surface when conversation between peoples around a table starts, and its movement stimulates people's communication. Floor is covered with white sand. Fluorescent lamps are emitting under the ceiling, and then the exhibition room is filled with white light. You can see a white table and several white chairs around it. At the center of the table, there is a large white dish holding black fluid. The fluid in the dish is black; that are the only thing you can see the black color in the room, because white is seen all over the place. When the people gather, fluid pulsates calmly in sync with the environmental sound (spectator's voices, the sound of footsteps etc.). The larger the sound becomes, the bigger the waves pulsate, and at last it splashes in the air. is an interactive installation that reflects our desire to communicate with other people in the movement of fluid in a dish.

-2003 (c) Sachiko Kodama + Minako Takeno



